When you visit or interact with our site maestradiscimarika.it, services, applications, tools or messaging, we or our authorized service providers may use cookies for storing information to help provide you with a better, faster, and safer experience.
This page is designed to help you understand more about these technologies and our use of them on our sites and in our services, applications, and tools. Below is a summary of a few key things you should know about our use of such technologies.
Cookies are small text files (typically made up of letters and numbers) placed in the memory of your browser or device when you visit a website or view a message. Cookies allow a website to recognize a particular device or browser. Like most sites, maestradiscimarika.it uses technologies that are essentially small data files placed on your device that allow us to record certain pieces of information whenever you visit or interact with our sites, services, applications, messaging, and tools.
There are several types of cookies:
- Session cookies expire at the end of your browser session and allow us to link your actions during that particular browser session.
- Persistent cookies are stored on your device in between browser sessions, allowing us to remember your preferences or actions across multiple sites.
- First-party cookies are set by the site you are visiting.
- Third-party cookies are set by a third party site separate from the site you are visiting.
Our cookies have different functions. They are either necessary for the functioning of our services, help us improve our performance, give you extra functionalities, or help us to serve you relevant and targeted ads. We use cookies and similar technologies that only remain on your device for as long as you keep your browser active (session) and cookies and similar technologies that remain on your device for a longer period (persistent).
1. Cookies set by MariSKI
APE_Cookie | Necessary for the livemap of negoziomilitare-pn.com | Session |
PSDOTCOM42 | Session's cookies negoziomilitare-pn.com for user's settings | Session |
Session_id | Collect identifiers of the user's session | Session |
Anonlogin | Necessary to participate to the forum | Session |
Member_id | Necessary to participate to the forum | Session |
Pass_hash | Necessary to chat on the forum | Session |
Mp_super_properties | Analyze data | Session |
2. Cookies from our partners
Service providers are companies that help us with various aspects of our business, such as site operations, services, applications, advertisements and tools. We use some authorized service providers to help us to serve you relevant ads on our services and other places on the internet. These service providers may also place cookies on your device via our services (third party cookies). They may also collect information that helps them identify your device, such as IP-address, or other unique or device identifiers.
UserVoice | __uvt; uvts | Users and visitors can fill a form to contact us for any help or complains | A year |
3. Third-party cookies
3.1) Analytics cookies
Google Analytics | _utma; _utmb; _utmc; _utmv; _utmz | Analyze the activity on maestradiscimarika.it and its traffic | between the time session and 2 years |
Google Universal Analytics | _ga | Users and visitors can fill a form to contact us for any help or complains | 2 years max |
We may use cookies to assess the performance of our websites, applications, services, and tools, including as part of our analytic practices to help us understand how our visitors use our websites, determine if you have interacted with our messaging, determine whether you have viewed an item or link, or to improve our website content, applications, services, or tools.
3.2) Social networks' cookies
MariSki services can be joined by third-party applications so our users can share contents on social networks. "Share this page" can be one of this application.
Static.ak.facebook.com | Act; Csm; Datr; Fr; Locale; p | Third-party cookies set by Facebook. Allow to control the function «join us on Facebook» of the button «Like», collect connection settings. | Session |
s-static.ak.facebook.com | Act; C_user; Csm; Datr; Fr; Locale; Lu; P; Presence; S; xs | Third-party cookies set by Facebook. Allow to control the function «join us on Facebook» of the button «Like», collect language settings and allow to share the page. "S" et "xs" are cookies for the button «Like» on Facebook. They are useful for this functionality on maestradiscimarika.it. | Session |
Facebook.com | Act; C_user; Csm; Datr; Fr; Locale; Lu; P; Presence; S; xs | They collect information that helps them identify your Facebook identifiers and control the function «join us on Facebook» of the button «Like», collect language settings and allow to share the page. |